SFTP File Transfer
SFTP file transfer for our reconciliation reports is available to merchants on request.
To set up file push to a merchant server Link Money will provide the merchant with a public key for SFTP key-pair authentication and will need the following information to be shared:
- Path to server
- Host name
- Base directories of where the reports should be stored
- Desired configurations for delivery
If a merchant requests to instead use a Link Money-provided SFTP server, they will need to generate a key pair and then provide Link Money with the following information:
- Public Key
- IP addresses that will be used to connect to SFTP server
- Desired configurations for delivery to Link Money-provided server
Once a merchant has been setup for SFTP file transfer they will receive the following .CSV files to their server or be able to pull from the Link Money-provided server at the frequency and times requested.
Transactions File
File Name Format: Merchant Name_Transactions_Time Period for Which File is For
Columns included in this file:
If the transaction has been included in a previous report shared then the value will be “Yes”. If it’s the first time the transaction has been included in a file, the value will be “No”
Date of Transaction
Date and time of when the transaction was initiated. This will be shared in ISO date and time with Z for the UTC indicator
Date of Settlement
Date and time of when the transaction was completed. This will be shared in ISO date and time with Z for the UTC indicator
Client Reference ID
Merchant-generated payment-related ID
Transaction ID
Link Money-generated payment ID
If the transaction is a debit/purchase then the dollar amount for the transaction will show
If the transaction is a credit/refund then the dollar amount for the transaction will show
This will show the currency used for the transaction in ISO currency code (alpha) format
The status of the transaction at the moment the report was generated. Possible values can beCreated
ACH Return Code
The return code for both covered and non-covered returns
Payouts File
File Name Format: Merchant Name_Payouts_Time Period for Which File is For
If the payout has been included in a previous report shared then the value will be “Yes”. If it’s the first time the payout has been included in a file, the value will be “No”
Date of Payout
Date and time of when the payout was initiated. This will be shared in ISO date and time with Z for the UTC indicator
Date of Settlement
Date and time of when the payout was completed. This will be shared in ISO date and time with Z for the UTC indicator
Payout ID
Link Money-generated payout ID
The status of the payout at the moment the report was generated. Possible values can beCreated
Last 4
Last 4 of the account that is the destination for the payout
The amount of the payout in the specified currency
This will show the currency used for the payout in ISO currency code (alpha) format