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Webhooks allow our services to communicate with each other in real-time and as things change. They are user-defined HTTP callbacks that are triggered by specific events. Here's how it works:

  • Event Occurrence: An event happens in a Link application or service. This could be a update to a payment status, a customer has de-authorized you, or a report has been sent.
  • HTTP POST: Once the event occurs, Link will make an HTTP POST request to a URL configured by you. This URL is the webhook endpoint.
  • Payload: Along with the POST request, the Link will send data related to the event in the form of a payload. This payload will contain information about what happened (event data).
  • Handling the Request: Your application, which owns the webhook endpoint URL, receives the POST request. It then processes the payload data and takes actions based on the received information. These actions could include updating a database, sending notifications, triggering another process, etc.


POST - /v1/webhook/subscribe
PUT - /v1/webhook/unsubscribe